Monday, August 13, 2007

landscaping progress

To get a better sense of the progression of our landscaping project, I have created a new album that you can refer to from time to time to see how things are going. You can also click on the picture below (or here) to be taken to the actual album.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

July/August 2007

Can you believe that it is middle of August already? We celebrated Joel and Kate's 3 1/2 year birthday today.

Final July photos are here...

From July 2007

And we have started August pictures here...

August 2007

We had a great vacation in Estes Park last week and those pictures are included in the August 2007 Album.

Yesterday we rototilled all the green manure (buckwheat, rye, sunflowers) that were growing in our yard back into the dirt. It actually looks like we have soil now instead of just hard-packed dirt that we started with. I hope to have a new album soon that shows the progress of our yard.
